Write a C program to rotate bits of a number(Left Rotation & Right Rotation).
Example: Input data is 252. 3 be the number of bits to be rotated.
Binary Equivalent of 252 is 1111 1100
Left Rotation: Left rotate 252 by 3 bits.
Find 252 << 3 => (1111 1100 << 3) => 1110 0000
Find 252 >> (8 -3) => (1111 1100 >> 5) => 0000 0111
255 & ((252 << 3) | (252 >> 5)) = 1110 0111 => 231
Binary equivalent of 255 is 1111 1111. 255 is used in above manipulation to get 8 bit output.
Right Rotation: Right rotate 252 by 3 bits.
Find 252 >> 3 => (1111 1100 >> 3) => 0001 1111
Find 252 << (8 - 3) => 1111 1100 << 5 => 1000 0000
255 & ((252 >> 3) | (252 << 5)) => 1001 1111 => 159
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int value, n, lRotate, rRotate;
/* get 8 bit input from the user */
printf("Enter your input value(0-255):");
scanf("%d", &value);
/* threshold checking */
if (value < 0 || value > 255) {
printf("Threshold Value Exceeded!!\n");
return 0;
/* number of bits to rotate */
printf("No of bits to rotate(0-7):");
scanf("%d", &n);
if (n < 0 || n > 7) {
printf("Threshold Value Exceeded!!\n");
return 0;
/* left rotation */
lRotate = 255 & ((value << n) | (value >> (8 - n)));
/* right rotation */
rRotate = 255 & ((value >> n) | (value << (8 - n)));
/* print the results */
printf("Left Rotation: %d\n", lRotate);
printf("Right Rotation: %d\n", rRotate);
return 0;
Example: Input data is 252. 3 be the number of bits to be rotated.
Binary Equivalent of 252 is 1111 1100
Left Rotation: Left rotate 252 by 3 bits.
Find 252 << 3 => (1111 1100 << 3) => 1110 0000
Find 252 >> (8 -3) => (1111 1100 >> 5) => 0000 0111
255 & ((252 << 3) | (252 >> 5)) = 1110 0111 => 231
Binary equivalent of 255 is 1111 1111. 255 is used in above manipulation to get 8 bit output.
Right Rotation: Right rotate 252 by 3 bits.
Find 252 >> 3 => (1111 1100 >> 3) => 0001 1111
Find 252 << (8 - 3) => 1111 1100 << 5 => 1000 0000
255 & ((252 >> 3) | (252 << 5)) => 1001 1111 => 159
int main() {
int value, n, lRotate, rRotate;
/* get 8 bit input from the user */
printf("Enter your input value(0-255):");
scanf("%d", &value);
/* threshold checking */
if (value < 0 || value > 255) {
printf("Threshold Value Exceeded!!\n");
return 0;
/* number of bits to rotate */
printf("No of bits to rotate(0-7):");
scanf("%d", &n);
if (n < 0 || n > 7) {
printf("Threshold Value Exceeded!!\n");
return 0;
/* left rotation */
lRotate = 255 & ((value << n) | (value >> (8 - n)));
/* right rotation */
rRotate = 255 & ((value >> n) | (value << (8 - n)));
/* print the results */
printf("Left Rotation: %d\n", lRotate);
printf("Right Rotation: %d\n", rRotate);
return 0;
jp@jp-VirtualBox:~/$ ./a.out
Enter your input value(0-255):252
No of bits to rotate(0-7):3
Left Rotation: 231
Right Rotation: 159
Enter your input value(0-255):252
No of bits to rotate(0-7):3
Left Rotation: 231
Right Rotation: 159
how do i get input and output in binary???